Saturday, September 22, 2012

Stop Girl...

U-KISS .finally...wohoooo my long awaited for u-kiss comeback STOP GIRL has come to end....its really worth the totally excited about ukiss comeback....u-kiss's new song are totally jjang, daebak (best)! i love the mv also...our cutie kevin also has changed , from a cute boy to a manly guy....he's look handsome, his hair style fit him very well.....u-kiss actually has 7 member in total but for this album, one of u-kiss member, AJ are not join u-kiss for this comeback because he is pursue his study in Colombia....wooo im proud of u-kiss member.congrats! n for this song, i hope u-kiss can win at least once at any music program such as music bank or m countdown....they really deserved it..bcoz this song are sooooo addicted to it :) please everyone do visit ukiss official youtube page. search ukiss2008 and watch their mv ( to increased the view number) well i want share the awesome mv here, so feel free to watch u-kiss new mv :)

Friday, September 14, 2012


i just want to share this awesome official mv.....i don't know why Avex Network remove this video, so i bet some of  kiss me didn't even get to watch this official mv is tick favourite mv ever !!
Please feel free to watch this mv...and lets support u-kiss for they upcoming comeback. Stop Girl....

Sunday, September 9, 2012


Lately, u-kiss has released a new digital single, the song was awesome and superb...totally in love with the new song.The song sings of wanting to hate and hold on to their past lover, but not being able to do so :( so sad....sob2 ...i just added the song into my playlist...please feel free to listen to u-kiss new song. oh ya the songs title was CINDERELLA.... what a nice title rite?

U-kiss also will make another comeback in the mid-Sept....totally love it..u-kiss also has revealed teaser image for upcoming 7th mini album 'Stop Girl' will be released on the 20th..... can't wait for it!!! totally excited :) here the teaser photo for the 7th mini album...

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Running Man funny scene cut

I just want to share some funny moment, cut from Running Man , korean variety show...its really funny....tgk video ni pun blh hilangkn kebosanan. : D

'Bout my classmates..

Kali ni ak nk wat confession 'bout smthng....about my classmates..
ini pndapat n apa yg ak rasa sndiri. ak rasa semua org mnilai seseorg mlalui pndgn sndiri so ini pndgn ak sndiri....
ak labelled sorang bdak pompuan class ak as the most annoying girl i ever meet...
bcoz, die tu bru gak la msk kls ak sbb die x msk awal2 thn lg tp ak benci, benci sgt2 tgk die senyum..rasa mcm over pun ade gak....ak xtau la knapa..ak rasa die tu mcm fake sikit..nmpk baik sbb ak sblm ni xprnh kls dgn die tp bile skls kali ni wat 1st time, i just can't stand of it..kalo blh ak nk sgt2 die tkr kls lain...aish ak rasa geram sgt ble tgk die..n masa exam thn2 lps ak tgk die ak slalu ckp dlm diam wah...pandainya die...8a kot..straight a ble sklas dgn ak ni, da la masa exam die tkr tmpt, nk ddk sblh kwn die tu ak blh trima lg.. tp ak ni yg ddk blkg die rasa mcm brbulu je mata tgk die terang2 tanya jwpn org sblh...aish rasa mcm nk bgtau je kt takut lak sbb bkn die je yg tkr tmpt ddk, malah org lain pun ade..n lg satu die tu mcm ingat die tu popular la sgt kt sklh mcm semua org akan ske die...huh ak xheran lngsg la...ahhh geramnye tgk die rasa nk je bg die topeng suro ttp muka die or suro die jgn jln dkt2 dgn ak... ( mcm la brani sgt xD)

Sexy, Free & Single @ M Countdown

our Super Junior oppa was so cool!!! look at they dance..its cool rite...if im not mistaken, they get triple crown award during this stage and feel free to watch they encore....Super Junior fighting!!


someday....bile masa ak ade masa lapang nnt...ak akn ceritakn satu pngalaman prkemahan yg xdpt ak lupakn n yg plg best la yg prnh ak g stakat ni...i'm going to tell everythings about it...its going to be a meaningful camp ever...i can't even forget it...not a single little things 'bout it...i gonna tell you about it..SOON ....

Why? Why? Why?

Why? Why? Why? there's something that make me wondering.....asl ramai org yg nk sgt msk asrama pada awalnya, n lpastu sibuk lak nk kuar la, nk msk smks4 blk la...ah frankly speaking, i didn't really like it...its so troublesome...(maybe) ramai yg request nk msk asrama tp xdpt n bile da dpt lak sng2 je nk kuar..wat rugi je....fact yg plg org xske ialah apabila ada je student bru msk smks4, die mesti msk kls 4s2...why? why? why? alasannnya sbb kls 4s2 je yg ade kosong? aish, i hate it! :(

Thursday, April 12, 2012


ak juz nk's my blog anyway... dulu ak ade confess kt smone but sadly i got rejected..hmm ak xkisah sgt pun sbb hal da lps xusah dkenang lg kn..skrg ni thn 2012 ak cuma nk wat better dlm exam thn ni n forget 'bout guy bcoz cinta2 kt sklh mmg konfirm x kekal pnye..tunggu hbs sklh, zaman kolej or kerja nnt bru ak nk pikir hal2 mcm tu..wat skrg pun ak xrasa nk ske sape2 da slps my ' heartbreaker ' incident huhuhu.k la smpai sini dulu...smpai brjumpa lg..salam...

A dreamer ...

Love this i wish that dream come true...juz 4 today..eyy kinda jealous it..

Friday, January 6, 2012

PMR result...

askum semua....nk citer ape ye? rasa mcm lama lak xpost..k la mmandangkan result PMR da kluar..ak nk citer ckit la ttg hari pngambilan result PMR hritu...k masa tu hari khamis 22/12, ak g la ambik keputusan ,mak ak xikot..juz ade kakak ak je ..tu pun die dtg sbb die kena ambik gmbr utk majalah skolah..kt luar die tls reult pkl 11 so org dtg awal lg la tp da tunggu lama kt 1 jam pun ...xkuar2 gak..keputusan blum kuar lg tp da rasa cuak sgt2.masa nk bratur ambik result..ak pilih utk bratur kt blkg2 sbb xready lg nk tau result..bila da smpai giliran,ckg tgk result dulu n die kata "azierah..bagusla.." ak xtau lg apa mksd ckg sbb ak xtau result die lg..bile tgk je 7a..ak terus trlompat2 mcm dlm dunia ak sndiri sampai lngsg xpikir ape2 da smpai kn kwn ak n ckg asyik pnggl nama ak utk tandatgn pengesahan penerimaan slip PMR.ckg pun mcm marah je sbb ramai lg org bratur kt blkg nk ambik conclusion nya....ak lngsg xsangka ak blh dapat 7a1b..sedangakan 3a pun xprnh sblum ni..even dlm f3 ak mmg happy gile2 la...ak da tau nk ckp ape let's juz put a full stop at here..tataa.c u again :)))